
sign petition to allow truth about Islam to be read
Another book which tells the truth about Islam is the subject of a petition drive by Moslems who want all printing ended and all books destroyed.

The Moslem petition is at: http://www.petitiononline.com/iecrc786/petition.html

To: All Bookstores
We the undersigned are shocked and appalled by recent Muslim attempts to stifle circulation of Craig Winn's "Prophet of Doom," by demanding that bookstores stop carrying it and that its publication cease, via the petition "Stop Hatred and Misinformation about the Best of Creation." As firm supporters of First Amendment freedoms, we demand that authors critical of Islam (or any other religion) be given full First Amendment protection. Insofar as the United States of America is founded on a separation of church and state, the charge of blasphemy is utterly inapplicable in US courts. Moreover, Muslims must realize that their religion, however dear it may be to them or however many followers adhere to it, is in no way exempt from being subjected to rationalist critique, as has been the case for centuries with the other major religions.

We are reminded of a number of controversial attempts by Christians to stifle availability of "blasphemous materials," including..."

The freedom of speech petition is at: http://www.petitiononline.com/islam999/petition.html
Posted by: mhw 2004-11-08