
Black Watch Suicide Bomber Was 'Grinning'
From the Dept. of An Article I Really Wish I Didn't Have to Post:
A suicide bomber who killed three Black Watch heroes was an al Qaeda terrorist, according to Army chiefs. The bomber, who was white, reportedly grinned as he delivered his devastating payload. His face was seen by surviving troops as he drove up to a road block in a car seconds before the blast. Army chiefs believe he was an al Qaeda extremist fighter from somewhere in Europe. A senior military source in Iraq said: "The bomber was Caucasian. That means he could be from anywhere between Bosnia to Birmingham. We don't know any more because there wasn't much left of him. But it confirms our fears that the Black Watch are now up against foreign terrorists."

The blast last Thursday killed Sergeant Stuart Gray, 31, Private Paul Lowe, 19, and Pte Scott McArdle, 22, all from Fife, as well as an Iraqi interpreter. Officers said the bomber, and another suicide attacker who left two British soldiers seriously injured on Sunday, both attacked with a calm grin on their faces. Their relaxed manner and broad smile seconds before they struck disarmed troops who were tricked into thinking they meant no harm. The senior source added: "The bombers drove slowly, and were very relaxed and assured. "How they could commit such a cold-blooded act in that manner is very hard to comprehend."
A moment of silence, please, for these fine lads.

Posted by: Seafarious 2004-11-09