
More Russian Connections! Sessions Lied!
The Justice Department confirmed late Wednesday that Sessions had contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak but said those were as part of his work as a senator rather than as a key backer of Trump's presidential bid. Sessions testified during his Senate confirmation hearing Jan. 10 that he had no contacts with Russian officials.
Them durn Rooshians was everywhere! No wonder Hillary lost the election!
The revelation prompted top Democrats in Congress to call for his ouster. "After lying under oath to Congress about his own communications with the Russians, the Attorney General must resign," House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi said in a statement.
Did her lips move, or was the statement issued before she read it?
A Sessions spokeswoman, Sarah Isgur Flores, rejected accusations that he had misled lawmakers. "Last year, the senator had over 25 conversations with foreign ambassadors as a senior member of the Armed Services Committee, including the British, Korean, Japanese, Polish, Indian, Chinese, Canadian, Australian, German and Russian ambassadors," she said. "He was asked during the hearing about communications between Russia and the Trump campaign - not about meetings he took as a senator and a member of the Armed Services Committee."
Yeah, yeah - that's the same Trumpian story line that other Russian stooge gave - whatshisname? - Michael Flynn, yeah!
Posted by: Bobby 2017-03-02