
Study Find Losers Fall for Media Hoaxes

A new study shows that an increasing amount of Democrats are likely to embrace conspiracy theories in the media after losing the 2016 election.
You could've knocked me over with a feather!
The study, entitled "Conspiracy Endorsement as Motivated Reasoning: The Moderating Roles of Political Knowledge and Trust," compares how Republicans and Democrats changed their responses to a conspiracy predispositions scale.
Conspiracy statements at link
The percentage of Democrats who agreed on average with a conspiracy claim increased from 27 percent before the 2016 election to 32 percent after President Donald Trump won. But Republicans' inclination to embrace a conspiratorial claim overall declined in three of the four statements. The amount of Republicans who agreed on average with conspiratorial statements decreased from 28 percent before the election to 19 percent afterwards.
One in three Dems are dim, compared with only one in five trunks.
The managing editor of Snopes told The Atlantic in February that since Trump's election, more conspiratorial stories have risen aimed at liberals. "Yes, there has been more coming from the left. A lot of dubious news, a lot of wishful thinking type stuff."

Since the 2016 election, idea-based articles have swept the internet.
Including gobs of Russian conspiracy froth.
Posted by: Bobby 2017-03-03