
Islamic Gold Star Father Khizr Khan Makes Hate Hoax List
[Moonbattery] Remember Khizr Khan, the Islamic Gold Star father whom the Democrat Party and its media swung by the ankles and bashed over Trump’s head? He is back in the news again -- this time for achieving a slot on the Hate Hoax List.

Khan weeps that he had to cancel a speaking engagement in Toronto because Trump has Islamophobically subjected him to some vague sort of travel ban. Daily Wire notes the following regarding this "truly bizarre story":

Khan did not specify which person and from what agency told him that his "travel privileges are being reviewed"; no one is able to confirm it. It also doesn’t make any sense because Khan is a U.S. citizen; therefore he cannot be barred from traveling to Canada. Khan has declined further comment to various news outlets that have asked him for more information.

The Daily Beast tried to find the government agency responsible for forbidding Khan from traveling to Canada, but got nowhere.

It appears that Khan resorted to a hate hoax to promote his politics and to get an extension on his expired 15 minutes.
Posted by: Blossom Unains5562 2017-03-08