
7 Reasons Yesterday’s ‘Day Without A Woman’ Was Asinine
[DAILYWIRE] The Day Without A Woman was idiotic for many, many reasons. Here were the stupidest things about it:
So we had a day in which men worked and women stayed home. How ... progressive...
1. No Purpose. What exactly was the purpose of Day Without A Woman? Was it to shut down the economy? If so, giant fail: most women worked, and so did most men. If the marching women were so indispensible, you’d have expected to see the country come to a crashing halt. You’d also have expected employer costs to rise dramatically, since supposedly women work for far less than men. It didn’t happen. Instead, a bunch of women didn’t get paid for the day, heightening the aggregate wage gap, for which they’ll presumably blame the patriarchy. Or something.
Probably they did get paid, taking a vacation day or calling in sick. Thus a cost-free, danger-free, ummm... whatever it was.
2. Idiotic Ancillary Causes. It wasn’t just radical Muslim Linda Sarsour getting herself arrested at the Day Without A Woman. It was the event organizer Rasmea Youseh Odeh, a Palestinian terrorist responsible for the murder of two Israeli men. The march also focused on abortion and “solidary [sic] with the sex workers’ rights movement.”
That'd be hookers to the rest of us. Butts, bosoms, and BJs for cash.
Not sure how the women behind the event expect to reach consensus with such broad-based policies. It’s also hard to reach consensus on walking out of your job when women actually work to feed their families, and don’t have the luxury of leaving their job with the local public school to make a fuss.
If there's neither purpose nor sense involved then any old excuse will do. Or multiple unconnected excuses. Let's not kid ourselves like they're kidding themselves.
3. No Smiling. According to The Washington Post, some feminists spent the day refusing to smile. “Some feminists say the happy face they sport by habit – or on command – is a form of unpaid ‘emotional labor,’” reported The Washington Post. This, of course, is fake news: feminists never sport happy faces, and certainly don’t do so by habit. But it’s also insane. If you want to win friends and influence people, growling at them is sure a rotten way to do it. Speaking of which, what’s wrong with society inculcating in people that it’s good to be friendly? Do we want a society of men and women who go around frowning at each other? Does that sound like fun? The phrase “grin and bear it” doesn’t just apply to women.
To the scowling faced hairy old bitches of the world, Lynn Stewart's systers in resystance, I say Bite My Ass. I may spend a hundred bucks or so and have a tasteful pre-printed banner made up to that effect.
4. Wearing Red. The media were plastered with women wearing red. What was the purpose?
Commies wear red. Hookers supposedly wear red, though in my younger days I saw them sporting all sorts of colors.
No purpose. Just to show solidarity with other women.
And to commemorate Lynn Stewart's death?
And if you didn’t wear red, presumably, you weren’t a woman
I'm not. Never have been. Unlike Bruce Jenner, never even wanted to be.
or you hated women.
... just like most people who've never had a mother.
This was virtue signaling at its finest, and to no purpose.
We're down to protest for the sake of protest.
It’s one thing to wear a garment in solidarity with an actual cause. It’s another to do so in support of a majority demographic group that attains most of the degrees awarded in higher education each year in the United States. That feels more like preening than activism.
It sounds like they had nothing better to do.
5. Shutting Down Public Schools. Several public schools shut down entirely over the Day Without A Woman. That’s because two of the sponsors of the Women’s March are the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers. Which just shows that public sector unions destroy American education and the state and federal budgets at the same time.
My granddaughter's was among them. I don't want them growing up with the sort of nonsense shoved into their heads.
6. Saying Silly, Silly Things. Some of the greatest quotes in modern history came from yesterday’s event. In either an attempt to demonstrate that stereotypes about women and math are true, or simple outright stupidity, the Women’s March tweeted this quote from Nelini Stamp from the Working Families Party: “Women birth half the population and we are half the population!” So, who births the other half? Arnold Schwarzenegger in Junior?
The other half are brought by storks or found under cabbages. I found one once in a potato patch. Cute little booger, too.
Women who identify as men?
That's probably how we got Al Franken, a grown male who identified as a baby until elected to the World's Greatest Deliberative Body.
SCIENCE! Other hilarious quotes came from such sources as Elizabeth Warren, who proclaimed that she couldn’t take the day off because her job was just too important. As opposed to the other women’s jobs.
Certainly more important than teaching a room full of brats, half of whom were birthed by womyn.
7. Hillary Clinton Is Back. Hillary earned her own slot on this list. She showed up with a video she posted to Snapchat, looking like a refugee from NSYNC.
That's what they need, by Gum: Young faces, with fresh ideas.
Posted by: Fred 2017-03-10