
EPA senior staff begin to flee amid budget fears
President Trump did promise he would downsize the government by attrition.
[WASHINGTONEXAMINER] A senior staffer at the Environmental Protection Agency resigned from the agency Thursday amid concerns that many of agency's programs will be shuttered under the forthcoming Trump budget.

The founder of the EPA's environmental justice office, Mustafa Ali, resigned Thursday, saying he has never seen such a concerted effort to roll back programs with a track record of helping disadvantaged and low-income communities.

The office addresses environmental challenges facing low-income communities, such as the lead-contaminated water crisis that dominated the headlines last year in Flint, Mich. Ali had served as senior adviser on environmental justice issues, after founding the office in the 1990s.

The news was first reported by the environmental news website InsideClimate.

Posted by: Fred 2017-03-10