
Beeb Embeds with US Troops: Battle for Falluja
A collection of reports and snippets from BBC reporters. Pick out the "embeds" and read theirs - minus the spin, of course. In chronological order. Ignore the fluff and speculative shit generated by their buddies in the Green Zone or back in LumpyLand.


Jennifer Glasse :: EMBED with US forces at Falluja :: 0846GMT
The marines are trying to move forward into Falluja after a fierce night of fighting. They're moving street by street. In some cases, going house to house, looking for insurgents. The US forces are trying to operate under their rules of engagement and are trying to avoid taking civilian lives. It's a tricky situation because the fight is active and they will return punishing fire if they are being fired upon. This must be a very terrifying situation for civilians caught nearby. The troops I'm with say the insurgents have been intimidating the inhabitants of Falluja for many months now there are claims that some civilians are being used as human shields.
Pick the gems from the bullshit - nothing new about this. Note there is a video link on right sidebar.
Posted by: .com 2004-11-10