
Hostage-taker shot outside Mexican consulate (LLL terrorist and MSM cover-up?)
Radio station KNS and several other local outlets have reported that the perp had an anti-Bush sign and was unhappy over the election result.
By: LAURA WIDES - Associated Press
A man demanding media attention took a female employee hostage at the Mexican consulate Tuesday before he was wounded by police outside the building. The hostage was rescued unharmed. The hostage-taker, apparently shot in the head by police, was in critical condition, police Chief William Bratton said. "The information that we have is that his demands were to the effect 'Call 911. I want the media here,"' Bratton said. "Whatever his interests were in his having the media respond to the consulate, we just don't know at this time."
Bullshit, the LA media know.
A television videotape showed the black-clad man, his arm around the woman's neck, leave a parking lot exit and down a sidewalk as police closed in. The man suddenly collapsed backward to the ground and officers pulled the woman away as others pointed their guns at him. The man appeared to have been armed with a handgun, police Assistant Chief George Gascon said. The man who took the hostage had a large homemade sign attached to his body. It was not clear from the videotape what the sign said. Gascon said information about the sign would not be immediately released.
Just as they failed to report dozens of violent attacks on Republican offices before the election, and several since, the National Socialist media have pointedly ignored this connection to LLL incitement and totalitarianism.
Police cordoned off several blocks around the building near downtown Los Angeles, and ambulances and fire trucks gathered nearby. No element of terrorism was believed to be involved in the incident, Bratton said.
because MSM/PC rhetoric automatically excludes "progressive" acts from that designation. Look for the same "lone-nut" excuse that was used to camouflage Ted Kaczynski's solid LLL credentials.
The man was the only person involved in the hostage-taking, Mayor James Hahn said.
How is the mayor so sure of this before an investigation has even begun? That kind of speculation by an elected official is unconcionable and quite rare unless there is an element of desperation involved.
The hostage worked as a clerk in the notary department. She was abducted from the consulate's fourth floor, where some visas are processed. She apparently did not know the hostage-taker, Bratton said. Maria Rosales Alvarado, 40, said she had given a friend a ride to the consulate and was outside buying tamales when she saw the man holding the woman by the neck. "I just dropped the tamales, and we got out of there," she said.
Sounds like the MSM are dropping the tamales on this, but is anyone surprised? Let up hope that the Mexican opposition papers have the cojones to pick this up and tell the whole story (it is a foregone conclusion that the Bush-hating pro-government media in Mexico will follow the lead of their LLL masters across the border).
Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy 2004-11-10