
Reporter Who Gave Maddow Trump's Tax Return Just Accused Melania Of Doing ‘Sneaky Porn'
[DailyCaller] David Cay Johnston -- taking part in a panel discussion on "The Last Word" Tuesday evening -- accused first lady Melania Trump of doing "sneaky porn."

Johnston, host Lawrence O’Donnell and Rachel Maddow were poring over the two pages Maddow made public earlier that evening, when O’Donnell noted Trump "has wages and salary income, which is unusual for someone in his case."
I presume President Trump served on company boards, which almost always provide attendance payments, even if only nominal.
He is probably also drawing a salary from his company, even though he owns it. It's a way to limit liability, and I believe salaries are taxed differently than profits.
"It could be hers," Johnston offered. "His wife was a model."

"Right," O’Donnell responded. "She’s on here, but she was never at that league."

"She did do very sneaky porn,"
Oooooo! My very favorite genre!
Johnston continued before Maddow interrupted him.

Posted by: Blossom Unains5562 2017-03-16