
Pakistan withdraws troops from Afghan border
Pakistan withdrew troops from the Afghan border Friday, possibly to move them to the Kashmir frontier for a faceoff with India. The United States, meanwhile, stepped up efforts to avert war on the subcontinent even as it advised its diplomats to leave India. A war between nuclear rivals India and Pakistan would be "somewhere between terrible and catastrophic" and would destroy hard-earned improvements in U.S. relations with both nations, U.S. Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz said. He said the U.S. efforts to prevent war include both promises of incentives and warnings of punishments. "I don't think we believe in exhortation alone," Wolfowitz said Friday in Singapore, where he was meeting with other defense officials at a conference on terrorism and security.

President Bush announced Thursday that he would send Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld to the region next week. Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage also is scheduled to visit Islamabad and New Delhi next week.
The purpose having been accomplished, we might see the Kashmir tension wind down for awhile now. That's unless the jihadis are actually serious in wanting to become radioactive dust...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-05-31