
Cattle Relief Efforts
When Evan Marr saw recent reports of massive livestock deaths due to raging Kansas wildfires, he had one thought - load a truck with hay and help those in need.

Then the New Berlin young farmer had a second thought - rally the troops. So, the Cass-Morgan Farm Bureau Young Leader (YL) vice president texted Jenny Jackson, District 10 Illinois Farm Bureau YL State Committee director and fellow Cass-Morgan Farm Bureau leadership.

An effort initially involving a single load of hay rapidly turned into donations to fill six more semi-trucks. And Cass-Morgan YLs will continue taking donations until Friday.

Donations can include hay (round or square bales), fencing material, mineral tubs, milk bottles and milk replacer. Donors can call Marr at 217-473-9897 or Jackson at 217-370-5851 to arrange for items to be picked up. Or visit their Facebook page by clicking here.
So March 6 we had a little fire. I wanted to give a heads-up to everyone that there is a massive relief effort going on. If you have seen convoys of hay, they are a big part of it. If you facebook, this link gives a good roundup on just how widespread this effort is.

These guys and gals are on trips which make Smokey and the Bandit look like a walk across the street. They are loaded, they are tired, and at this point working on their second trip.

And if you could do us a favor, give these drivers a high five. They are saving lives, and in the effort risking their own.

Posted by: swksvolFF 2017-03-22