
Removing Life Support Ruled Out for Arafat
EFL.Why don't they just let this pus bag on the ass of humanity get on with his non stop trip to hell and get it over with...
Yasser Arafat has suffered brain damage and kidney and liver failure, the Palestinian prime minister said Wednesday, but a top Muslim cleric ruled out any possibility of life support being turned off.
Oh, good. Now the "clerics" have shown up looking for their cut.
French Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin said late Wednesday that the Palestinian leader was in his "final hours," telling France-2 television: "I hope that we can respect the final hours of a man who is approaching death."
Palestinian Foreign Minister Nabil Shaath said Arafat, who was in a deep coma connected to a respirator and a feeding tube, had suffered brain damage because of a hemorrhage. Only his heart and lungs were still functioning, Shaath said. A top Islamic cleric, Taisser Bayoud Tamimi, read Wednesday from the Quran at Arafat's bedside and said no attempt would be made to remove him from life support. "As long as there are signs of life in the body of the president, he will remain under treatment," said Tamimi. "It is prohibited in Islam."
"It is prohibited in Islam." All right, "holy man". How much do you want to make it okay by "Islam" to shut him down? We've worked our way around "Islam" many times in the past, haven't we?
Posted by: tu3031 2004-11-10