
Mosques bombed as fighting rages in Falluja
Almost half of the mosques in the Iraqi town of Falluja have been destroyed, with US warplanes launching air strikes and fierce fighting on the ground continuing.
Sounds pretty good to me...
An Iraqi journalist told Aljazeera that US forces on Wednesday resumed attacks on the city, targeting Julan in the north-west to al-Jughaivi in the north-east. Fadil al-Badrani said there are an estimated 120 mosques in the city. "Almost half of the city's mosques have been destroyed after being targeted by US air and tank strikes," al-Badrani added.
Could have something to do with the fact that they were arms depots, chock full of Bad Guyz...
Fierce clashes also erupted between armed fighters as the US forces thrust deeper into the city in the early hours, he said. Machinegun, mortar and rocket fire shook the city as planes made several bombing runs over Julan district in the space of 15 minutes, a Reuters reporter said. Smoke was rising from houses just beyond Falluja's captured rail station, where marines and Iraqi forces have a base. Marines said their opponents showed no signs of giving up, even though US forces penetrated to the centre of the city, west of Baghdad, after an offensive launched on Monday night.
Posted by: Fred 2004-11-11