
Mujahideen Now Control Most of Fallujah
From Jihad Unspun
... In news just in, the tactical decision taken by the Mujahideen to open up two roads leading to the city centre turned out to be very effective. According to sources close to the Mujahideen, as a result of heavy shelling on civilian neighborhoods all around the perimeters of the city, a decision was made to move the battle into the center of town by opening two main roads that lead into Fallujah central.

The first road opened was "Nisan 7", which is 17 -20 meters wide and stretches from the rail network north of Fallujah, passes by the Al-Mualimeen zone, on to Nisan 7 to Al-Forqan Mosque and ends in the Al-Shuhada neighborhood. The second road opened was "Tharthar Street", which is 15 -18 meters wide extends from railway station, from where the Americans are handling forward control, passes through the Al-Ghuaifi neighborhood and ends at Officers neighborhood. After opening the two roads, Mujahideen made a tactical withdrawal from the city's perimeters to permit the Americans to enter the two roads. The plan was successful; the Americans are now on the two roads just where the Mujahideen wanted them to be. ....

The Mujahideen had a very successful day Wednesday and their morale is running high. Not only were they able to weather the relentless, round the clock shelling dished out by the Americans using all kinds of weapons, but they managed to push occupation forces back. The Mujahideen are currently controlling 70% of the city, not the Americans, as mainstream news is reporting. .... American occupiers temporarily took control of certain areas but their formations quickly fell apart and Mujahideen regained control. .... There had been claims that 90 Resistance fighters had fallen, he said, but such figures were totally baseless, the true numbers being far fewer.

In a dispatch posted at 8:25pm local time (7:25pm Mecca time) the al-Fallujah correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported that during the night of Tuesday-Wednesday, Resistance forces had taken eight American troops prisoner after attacking them as they drove two Humvees into al-Fallujah. Resistance fighters, having commandeered the Humvees from the captured Americans then took joy rides through the streets of the city, raising the morale of the people and their Resistance fighters. The eight new prisoners followed 36 Americans, including some women soldiers, who had been captured in the south of the city on Monday.

Preliminary counts of Wednesday's casualties are 43 Americans killed and 19 Mujahideen martyred however the number of Mujahideen martyred is expected to rise as treatment for the wounded is limited under current conditions. In addition, inside the city of Fallujah itself, seven tanks were destroyed and an Apache aircraft was shot down. Outside the city, when Mujahideen attacked the rear supply lines of the American occupiers, 25 different mechanized vehicles were destroyed. ....
Posted by: Mike Sylwester 2004-11-11