
Letter #2 from Saudi Arabia
After a short period of relative calm, fear has returned to the Magic Kingdom. ... On October 27, the Canadian Embassy e-mailed the following to its citizens abiding in Saudi Arabia:
The Embassy has received various reports indicating that car bombings or other terrorist activity could occur sometime between today, October 27 and the end of Ramadan in Riyadh, Jeddah or in other cities in Saudi Arabia. ...

"Last night when I was out, police were everywhere. There was even a police roadblock in front of our compound. Special Forces. When I left the compound, all the soldiers had their helmets and bullet-proof vests on, and they were carrying machineguns." ...
The headline in yesterday's Arab News:
Al-Qaeda Terrorist Arrested, Large Cache of Arms Seized
The cache included a large quantity of explosives, 33 bombs, hand grenades, machineguns, launchers, communication devices and different currencies. The weapons find fed the rumor mill of other terrorists being arrested, other weapons being found.
Also Letter #1 from Saudi Arabia explains the real reason why camera phones were banned in Saudi.
Posted by: ed 2004-11-12