
Susan Rice cancels public appearance
[Surber] There was fallout this weekend from the pending criminal investigation of Susan Rice for her role in Barack Obama's illegal espionage of President Trump.

Just a few hours before her scheduled appearance on Saturday before the Greater Rochester Area Branch of American Association of University Women, Rice canceled her speech.

Cheryl McKeiver, a financial adviser and developmental vice president of the club, explained to the press:

"GRAB of AAUW was very much looking forward to hosting Ambassador Susan E. Rice in Rochester to inspire young women who are soon to embark on their chosen careers. Unfortunately, we regret that we must cancel the conference originally scheduled for Saturday, April 8, due to a ticketing error. We apologize to the many young people and members of the Rochester community who were planning to attend tomorrow, and we look forward to welcoming Ambassador Rice, who has graciously offered to speak to our organization in the coming months."

McKeiver forgot to add: if she is not indicted.

The chapter scrubbed any mention of Rice from its web site.

Posted by: Besoeker 2017-04-09