
Dutch Police Raid Kurdish Camp Arrest 29
Dutch police raided a camping ground in Liempde, in the south of the Netherlands, and arrested 29 people suspected of being members of the Kurdistan Workers' Party, which is labeled a terrorist group in the European Union. National law enforcement officials led the raid, said Wim de Bruin, a spokesman for the police. The camp may have been a paramilitary training center for the Turkish group, he said. The action isn't linked to the Nov. 10 siege of a house in The Hague, when special forces arrested two suspected terrorists after they injured three police officers with a hand grenade, De Bruin said. It also has no connection to the Nov. 2 murder of Theo van Gogh, in whose killing a suspect with dual Moroccan and Dutch citizenship has been held, he said.

Kurdish rebels have fought against Turkey a two-decade war of independence at the cost of more than 30,000 lives, most of them Kurdish. The rebellion has largely subsided since the 1999 imprisonment of rebel leader Abdullah Ocalan. The rebels in June ended a unilateral five-year truce with the Turkish army.
Posted by: Mark Espinola 2004-11-12