
Danish Muslim pundit lauds Van Gogh killer
There was little sympathy to be found for Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh on a Danish internet forum posting by Danish Muslim pundit Omar Shah. Commenting on last Tuesday's killing of van Gogh on a closed Internet forum, Omar Shah reportedly wrote: 'Too bad that he (van Gogh) no longer has the pleasure of practicing his perverse artwork, or rather Alhamdullilalh (Thank God). May Allah swt (the Almighty) grant his 'murderer' sabr (patience in hard times).' The translation of the above text was courtesy of daily newspaper Kristeligt Dagblad.

Imam Fatih Alev runs the Danish Association of Cybermuslims (DFC), which administrates the closed mailing list that forwarded Omar Shah's remarks to some 300 online forum guests around the country. 'It looks like Omar was drawing upon his emotions in his response to the death. I have just seen van Gogh's programme, which I found to be a very violent show of propaganda against Islam. I think Omar had that programme in mind when he commented on the death. Based on the conversations I have had with him, I can say that he is normally opposed to the use of violence and vigilantism,' said Fatih Alev, continuing: 'But I don't wish to defend Omar. Everyone - Muslims included - were appalled by and disagreed with what he wrote. It is important not to succumb to one's feelings, and we all support law and order in Danish society.'

Daily newspaper Jyllands-Posten asked Fatih Alev if he found it irritating that remarks such as Omar Shah's so frequently occasioned heated debate in the Danish media. 'It irritates me that journalists gets tips on something that was said on a mailing list and make a huge story out of it. People on the mailing list might have pressed Omar for answers on his position on violence, and gotten some insight into the intentions behind what he wrote that way. Anyone can join the mailing list,' said Alev.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2004-11-14