
Erdogan calls Israel policy on Palestinians 'racist'
[Al Jazeera] Turkish President Sultan Recep Tayyip Erdogan the First
... Turkey's version of Mohammed Morsi but they voted him back in so they deserve him...
has compared Israel's policies against the Paleostinians to the racism of the early days of the United States and the apartheid-era in South Africa.

"What's the difference between the present acts of the Israeli administration and the racist and discriminatory politics that were practised against black people in the past in America - and up until a short time ago in South Africa," Erdogan said on Monday.
Whatever, dude. Let us know when you say something worth hearing.
Erdogan - speaking at an event in Istanbul that focused on the Middle East conflict - also cautioned the US not to move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Such a move is "extremely wrong" and such talk should be abandoned, he said.
Al Jazeera chose not to report the name of the event in Istanbul at which Sultan Recep Tayip Erdogan the First spoke, but The Times of Israel was not so reticent:
Turkish President Sultan Recep Tayyip Erdogan the First
... Turkey's version of Mohammed Morsi but they voted him back in so they deserve him...
on Monday urged Moslems to throng to the Temple Mount in a show of solidarity with Paleostinians as he issued a string of challenges to Israel, which he called "racist and discriminatory."

"We, as Moslems, should be visiting al-Quds more often," he said, referring to Jerusalem by its Arabic name.

"Each day that Jerusalem is under occupation is an insult to us," he added, at the opening ceremony of the International Forum on al-Quds Waqf in Istanbul, The Sick Man of Europe Turkey
...the only place on the face of the earth that misses the Ottoman Empire....
’s Hurriyet news reported.

Erdogan said increased Moslem visits to the Jerusalem holy site "would be the greatest support to our brothers there."

"Both in terms of our religion and historical responsibility, al-Quds and the fight of our Paleostinian brothers for rights and justice is of great importance to us. We will keep making efforts for Quds to turn into a city of peace," Erdogan said.

In the blistering speech, which also criticized Israeli legislation and US plans to move their embassy to Jerusalem, Erdogan also called Israel’s treatment of the Paleostinians "racist and discriminatory" and said the Israeli-Egyptian blockade of the Gazoo Strip "has no place in humanity."

Israel reacted quickly and angrily to Erdogan ’s comments, calling them "baseless slander."

"Anyone who systemically violates human rights
One man's rights are another man's existential threat.
in their own country, should not preach about morality to the only democracy in the region," the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

"Israel strictly adheres to protecting full freedom of worship for Jews, Moslems and Christians -- and will continue to do so despite this baseless slander," the statement said.

Erdogan also warned Israel against the planned Muezzin Bill meant to limit the volume on Moslem calls to prayer, saying he would not allow mosque loudspeakers to be silenced.

"The fact that such an issue is even coming to the agenda is shameful," he said. "The fact that those who talk about freedom of thought and faith at every opportunity actually approve this step by remaining silent is noteworthy. Inshallah, we will not allow the silencing of prayers from the heavens of Jerusalem," Erdogan said.
Posted by: Fred 2017-05-09