
Recent Details About Fighting in Falluja
From The New York Times
.... In Falluja, mechanized units, mainly M1A2 tanks and Bradley fighting vehicles, entered the southern district, Shuhada, on Saturday, with muzzles blazing, blowing apart buildings, rolling over barriers and confronting insurgents holed up in mosques and other refuges. It was the sixth day of the battle in Falluja. From the city's southeast perimeter, the sound of heavy artillery and machine-gun fire was almost continuous throughout the afternoon, when M1 tanks and Bradleys could be seen pounding rebel positions near the city's southern end.

In the direction of Shuhada, a battle could be seen raging between an American M1 tank and a group of insurgents holed up in buildings around the minarets of a mosque, about 100 yards away. Muzzle flashes from AK-47 fire could be seen around the minarets. The tank, with its rear less than a block from the desert's edge, repeatedly fired its 120-millimeter cannon at the insurgents, sending a sudden dust cloud into the sky as sections of the building's masonry collapsed. ....

The Associated Press reported that near Falluja itself, four American helicopters had been hit by fire from the ground in two incidents, but that their pilots had been able to fly the craft safely back to their bases.
Posted by: Mike Sylwester 2004-11-14