
It Begins...Pal Terrorists to Abbas: Next Time We'll Shoot to Kill!
Mr. Abbas, the only reasonable man in terms of really attempting a workable solution instead of Arafat style lies, the jihad death cultists want to murder. If the pro-Arafat or Hamas killers commit this horrible act there will be inter-Islamic bloodbath and Israel will not tolerate it on her front door step.

Some 40 gunmen opened automatic fire in the Arafat mourning tent in Gaza City Sunday night, November 14, shaking up the assembled gathering only two days after Yasser Arafat was buried in Ramallah. Bursting into the tent shortly after the arrival of Mahmoud Abbas, the man Fatah had just nominated to run for Palestinian president, they could easily have killed him and gunned down all the mourners packed in the tent. As it turned out he was unhurt. Two security men were killed and four injured.

DEBKAfile's counter-terror sources reports that this was a deliberate ambush. It was set up by the dead leader's adherents in the Gaza branch of the al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades. Their actions were programmed with almost ritual precision to convey certain messages to Arafat's would-be successor.

The key one was: no one can replace Yasser Arafat. Another: we can get close to you any time we choose. Next time, we won't fire over your head, but shoot to kill. Above all, take care to choose the right associates. Stay away from Mohammed Dahlan and Ahmed Qureia!
Read the rest in the link
Posted by: Mark Espinola 2004-11-14