
Rev Jesse's not going to Afghanistan...
ABC News.com
Jesse Jackson said Saturday he will not travel to Afghanistan to mediate its dispute with America, but will appeal for the handover of suspected terrorists and the release of aid workers being held there. The civil rights leader and former presidential candidate said he had received one phone call and two letters from Afghan officials who invited him to meet with high-ranking Taliban officials.

But Jackson said he decided not to make the trip after a delegation from Pakistan could not persuade Afghan officials to release eight Christian aid workers from prison and turn over Osama Bin Laden, the prime suspect in the Sept. 11 attacks. "The Pakistani delegation should have realized some success in their appeal. After all, they share borders," Jackson said. "If they will not respect the Pakistani government and that alliance, it's a mistake on their part and strangely suspicious." Instead of making the trip, Jackson plans to send Afghan leaders a letter asking for the release of the aid workers. He will also ask that the Taliban turn over the terrorists so they can face an international court.

Jackson received the first letter inviting him to meet with Taliban leaders on Friday, followed by a second letter on Saturday, he said. Both letters came from Abdul Salam Zaeef, Afghan ambassador to Pakistan. He said he spoke with Secretary of State Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice, national security adviser, about the letters. Powell had said that Jackson was free to travel but that he did not think such a trip would accomplish anything. Jackson disputed reports that he initiated contact with Afghan leaders. "I would not have known how to contact them," he said. "I couldn't call 1-800-TALIBAN."
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2001-09-29