
British diplomat chased by ‘massive’ wild boar in Austria
[RT] The British Ambassador to Austria, Leigh Turner, was injured trying to escape from a group of rampaging wild boar when he slipped trying to climb to safety.

Her Majesty’s ambassador had been enjoying a walk through the Austrian countryside, following a visit to Mauthausen concentration camp near Linz, when he stumbled upon a family of wild boar.

Leigh suffered the indignity of being chased by a particularly fearsome beast. He sustained minor injuries to his hand in the pursuit, which he described rather eloquently in his blog post ’An encounter with a Viennese wild boar.’

"Climbing through the woods after a cloudburst, I follow the path around a corner to find myself confronting a group of wild boar - four or five hulking adults and countless piglets - known, charmingly, as Frischlinge in German," the blog reads.

Turner began to gingerly walk away from the notoriously territorial animals when suddenly he heard "a noise behind [him] like a galloping horse" and turned around to see a "massive wild boar, head down charging straight at [him]."

Posted by: Fred 2017-05-18