
Galloway vs Telegraph libel case reaches court
Former Labour MP George Galloway's long running legal action against the Daily Telegraph reaches court on Monday. The Glasgow Kelvin MP issued libel proceedings against the newspaper over allegations he accepted £375,000 in oil money from Saddam Hussein's regime. It has taken more than a year for the legal battle to reach the High Court in London where Mr Galloway is expected to listen to the opening speeches. The newspaper is standing by its right to publish the story.

As well as the Telegraph, another American publication made similar claims about Mr Galloway receiving money but it has since paid him damages and apologised, saying the documents it relied on were false. The anti-war MP, who was expelled from the Labour Party, says it was a smear by his enemies. He has strenuously denied the claims and is suing the Daily Telegraph. The paper is defending the action, claiming it was entitled to report the allegations in the public interest. The case could last for three weeks.
That's a lot of popcorn. Anyone want to predict the outcome?
Posted by: Bulldog 2004-11-15