
Dogged determination of one-legged soldier
One of Camp Dogwood's personal heroes is the Black Watch's one-legged Corporal Colin Hamilton, who refused to be left behind when his regiment deployed on their highly dangerous mission. The 28-year-old signaller lost his right leg above the knee and suffered serious burns on his stomach and face in Kosovo, in 2001. He had tried to save a colleague who had fallen on a high voltage electric cable and ended up spending nine months in and out of hospital.

Told he was not allowed to go with the unit when they left for Iraq in June because of his disabilities, Cpl Hamilton set out to persuade Army chiefs to change their minds. After he clocked up the second fastest time ever for an 800-metre run by a military amputee, they had to consent. Cpl Hamilton, from Dunbarton, said: "I'm just a jealous person. I don't like being left out. I had to stay behind in the rear party when the regiment were in Iraq for the war last year and I hated every minute of it. But I've proved I can do my job just as well as anyone now. Being back with my mates is the best form of rehabilitation you can get."
Posted by: Bulldog 2004-11-15