
City of Madrid sued to commemorate WWII Spanish Blue Division
It should be noted that of the three Axis powers in WWII, only Japan has been completely open about its participation in WWII. Neither Germany nor Italy have been as forthcoming about their participation.
[Regnum.ru] The city of Madrid is facing a court petition to rename a street in honor of the Spanish Blue Division, which participated on the German side in WWII, according to a Russian language news accounts.

A year ago. the municipal government of Madrid embarked on a campaign to rename streets and alleys commemorating dictator Franco and his associates, according to the Russian language regnum.ru A group of relatives who lost people in Soviet Russia during WWII will petition the government to name at least one street in honor of the Blue Division.

Jose Luis Martin, identified as chairman of the group said that a number of monuments to the Italian Army which fought on the German side in WWII have been erected in the Apennines Mountain, so, "in Spain why should it be otherwise.

The Italian Army fought in Soviet Russian from June, 1941 to January, 1943. A total of 90,000 Italian soldiers were killed in Soviet Russia, for which a total of 17 monuments have been erected.

The Spanish Blue Division, otherwise designated as the 250th Infantry Divison, was among the largest units of its size anywhere in the war with more than 18,000 soldiers. The Blue Division fought in the Leningrad area until it was withdrawn in 1944.

Nearly every account of the Blue Division has been one of fulsome praise.
Posted by: badanov 2017-05-23