
Over 4,100 Palestinian homes razed by IDF
Homes of thousands of Palestinians have been razed by IDF forces since the beginning of the intifada four years ago, the human rights "Betzelem" group claims in a report it published on Monday.
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According to the report, during the intifada, about 4,100 homes have been destroyed, twice as much as the official IDF figure. Betzelem says that out of the 628 homes that had been razed as a punishment, almost 300 belonged to Palestinians who had no connection to terrorist groups. That number represents 1,286 innocent people who lost their homes.
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The report added that over 3,400 homes had been torn down during operations to uncover arms smuggling tunnels, in cases when terrorists utilized the structures or as part of the policy of wrecking houses that had been built without a permit.
A fair and balanced look at the situation
According to Betzelem, for every Palestinian suspected of terrorist activity whose home had been razed, homes of 12 other innocent people had been destroyed.
Israeli version of Homeland Security
The group states that although "terrorist attacks perpetrated by the Palestinians are unjustifiable war crimes", they still do not justify Israel's actions. "The razing of homes is a blatant violation of international law and is also considered a war crime", the report states.
In a closer look: Killing Joooos, no longer an international crime!!
Betzelem calls on the Israeli government to assume responsibility and compensate families whose homes had been destroyed.
In a blunt response, Israel calls Betzelem to lubricate/assume the position for hellfire insert
The IDF spokesman's office said in response, "We are well aware of the ramifications of such an action. That is why we decide each case on its own and only after it had been proven without a doubt that the home belongs to a terror operative or was used by terrorists".
Did I mention, cause meet effect????
Posted by: Poison Reverse 2004-11-15