
UN votes to impose arms embargo on Ivory Coast
The United Nations Security Council has imposed an immediate arms embargo on Ivory Coast and vowed to punish key government and rebel leaders with additional sanctions next month.
I don't recall a shortage of arms being the problem.
Maybe it's a problem with short arms? It could just be an issue with the translation from the French.
The 15 nation council unanimously adopted a sanctions resolution drafted by France, the former colonial power, after the Ivorian Government launched bombing raids on the rebel-held north a little over a week ago, shattering an 18-month truce and killing nine French peacekeepers and a US civilian. The council had delayed a vote last week to give African Union officials a chance to patch up the peace process between the Government forces holding the south and the rebels controlling the north of the world's largest cocoa producer, but no deal was reached.
Posted by: Steve White 2004-11-16