
The New Puritanism
[PJMEDIA] ... The new Puritanism cannot abide the time-tested sanctities and moral underpinnings of the Western tradition, in particular with regard to the institution of marriage, durable relationships, or the productive biologically based “contract” that allows for the perpetuation of normative civic existence. The new Puritanism is a pietistic fraud that puts sexual experimentation and violations of the norm before the stable arrangements that promote social and cultural continuity. The Mike Pences of this world must be pilloried and excommunicated while the Caitlyn Jenners are to be celebrated and canonized.

Absent bacterial cell division, the genetic binary is a fact of nature and those who propose that sexual dimorphism is a “social construct” that must be undone are flirting not only with one another but with disaster. The irony of this latest development, however, has escaped its progenitors, for it is precisely the trans phenomenon that is a “social construct.” It does not exist in nature; it has been invented. As Janice Fiamengo writes in an article titled Is Feminism a Religion?: “If evidence for the biological basis of sex is brought forward, a feminist will simply claim in response that all science is sexist,” in other words, we are sexist if we do not consider sex and multiple forms of sexual identity, however anomalous, as the end-all and be-all of human striving rather than as merely one aspect of mutual existence. It may be said that the Puritans of old suffered from repression and projection. The new Puritans suffer from genderitis, that is, libidinous self-election.

When culture attempts to pre-empt nature and deny biology, the result is catastrophic: the disintegration of civil existence, illusion substituting for reality and the peripheral displacing the central. Meanwhile, pressing issues on which our prosperity and survival depend -- a precarious economy, domestic subversion, Islamic jihad, unvetted and illegal immigration, international conflict, the falling replacement fertility rate -- go unattended. Buying into a subprime version of reality can lead to only one result: the foreclosing of the cultural mortgage. No matter. The gender Puritans go marching on.

Posted by: Fred 2017-05-30