
The True Feminist Message: Don't Hire Women
h/t Instapundit
Hello, Western employers!

As you may have noticed, today's feminist activists have a great deal to say about how women are and should be treated in the workforce. And yes, I understand how difficult it can be to sift through their rhetoric and tease out exactly what you, as an employer, are expected to do. Fortunately, I think I've finally managed to figure out their underlying message: Don't hire women.

I know how bizarre this must seem. After all, feminists claim to be looking out for women's best interests. And yet, in presuming to speak for all of us, these activists have managed to paint our distaff sex in a very unappealing light. Indeed, if feminists are to be accepted as our spokeswomen and exemplars, the following must be true:

Women don't understand math or science.

...Women are uneducable -- especially by men.

...Women expect to advance in their chosen profession regardless of the quality of their work.

...Women will be unable to work several days out of every month.

...Women will complain about trivial inconveniences and will expect your workplace to constantly cater to their desires.

...Okay: So we all know that none of the above statements are actually true of all women. Most women want to live by the same exact rules that govern men and don't want to be treated as delicate, wilting flowers -- either in the workplace or anywhere else. And that's why, as of this moment, only a small percentage of Western women are actually willing to embrace the feminist label. They understand what feminists are really implying -- and they rightfully resent it.
Posted by: g(r)omgoru 2017-06-01