
Anti-Dhimmitude in Holland
1 - Pim Fortuyn - politician
2 - William of Orange - royalty
3 - William Drees - politician
4 - Antony van Leeuwenhoek - scientist
5 - Erasmus - humanist
6 - Johan Cruyff - footballer
7 - Michael de Ruyter - admiral
8 - Anne Frank - diarist
9 - Rembrandt van Rijn - artist
10 - Vincent van Gogh - artist
Two related articles:

Dutch blasphemy law faces repeal:
An attempt to strengthen the blasphemy law in the wake of the murder of filmmaker and columnist Theo van Gogh seemed to have backfired on the Dutch government. A majority in the 150-seat Parliament have indicated they support a motion introduced by small government party D66 to scrap the blasphemy law that was introduced in the 1930s.

Pim Fortuyn voted greatest Dutchman:
Mr. Fortuyn's champion in the poll, journalist Yoeri Albrecht, suggested the result reflected current realities in the Netherlands. "The question is what meaning 'the greatest Dutchman' has for society at this moment," Mr Albrecht said. "Just look at what has happened in the last 14 days." Opinion polls after Theo van Gogh's killing suggest that a majority of Dutch people feel threatened by the prospect of high immigration and the further integration of ethnic minorities into society.
Posted by: Seafarious 2004-11-16