
Trump is Winning for America
[American Thinker] Vice President Mike Pence said nothing touches and encourages himself and President Trump more than hearing Americans say they are praying for them. Folks, given president Trump's superhuman focus on winning for America while enduring unprecedented vitriolic attacks from all sides, I'd say our prayers are working.

After months on the road working to elect conservatives in special elections, I'm back home. I ran into my favorite bank teller, a middle-aged Hispanic woman. "Oh Mr Marcus, it is so good to see you." Folks, I was taken aback as she began expressing her extremely heartfelt thanks for my working to elect Trump and the work I do around the country. Frankly, I was stunned by how much Trump winning meant to her. Fake news media will never understand the phenomenal connection Trump has with a majority of the American people. They (We the People) get it. They know Obama was destroying our country. They know Trump is committed to bringing us back from the edge of destruction and they are extremely excited and grateful. None of fake news media's 24/7 attempts to politically assassinate Trump is working -- quite the opposite.

Who could have imagined that Trump's Washington DC inexperience would be one of his greatest strengths? Trump governs free of pro-politician political correctness. A gifted businessman, Trump is instinctively using his talent; making deals good for America while getting us out of deals bad for America. Case in point: Trump pulled us out of the disastrous Paris climate deal.

Meanwhile, Washington, DC establishment elites are outraged, "That's not how we do things in this town. Trump can't say that! Trump can't do that! How dare Trump speak directly to the American people via tweets!"

I've heard talking heads supposedly on our side say they wish Trump would conform more to traditional presidential behavior. I say Trump is doing just fine being 100% Trump. He has made remarkable positive changes in 100 days that would have taken other Republicans 10 years. Whenever Republicans win elections, they are advised to move slowly and be careful not to anger leftists too much to avoid fake news media backlash.

America's number one radio personality, Rush Limbaugh, said, "If what you do relies on talent, you will never be your best doing it someone else's way." Based on his proven talent, I trust Trump to govern his way as long as he functions according to our Constitution. I could not care less that Washington insiders view him as a bull in their Washington DC china store. Break more stuff Mr. President. Please break more stuff.
Posted by: Besoeker 2017-06-12