
Leftist Fantasies Of Bloody Violence Now Becoming The New Reality
[NoTricksZone] U.S. House Majority Whip Steve Scalise was seriously wounded by a loony leftist gunman, who obviously had been driven over the edge by all the recent hate signals coming from a violence-inciting media.

However, all the left-wing environmental violence just didn’t start yesterday, or since Trump started his campaign. It has in fact been energetically brewing for years. We’ve been warning about it for a long time. Especially skeptics of alarmist climate science bear witness to this. For example an Austrian professor not long ago called for the execution of climate deniers.

Before that, in 2010, a video of pornographic violence produced by the 10 10 climate activism campaign and Richard Curtis fantasized of blowing up climate skeptics:

The message: people who refuse to accept global warming dogma need to be dehumanized, blown up and discarded with the trash. Today these disturbing fantasies of violence are becoming the new reality.

In 2007 Greenpeace featured an angry kid, who used highly threatening language aimed at adults who declined to agree to all radical carbon emissions reductions. Give in to our demands, or we’ll throw a tantrum like you’ve never seen.

Posted by: Besoeker 2017-06-15