
US Army officer charged with murder in Iraq
Not Sunday's incident in the mosque.
The US military has charged an Army officer with premeditated murder for his part in the fatal shooting of an injured Iraqi man in Baghdad's Sadr City slum in August, officials have said. Army 2nd Lieutenant Erick Anderson was charged with premeditated murder and conspiracy to commit premeditated murder, according to a statement provided by Lieutenant Colonel James Hutton, a spokesman for the 1st Cavalry Division in Baghdad. If tried and convicted in a US military court, he could face the death penalty. Military investigators had looked into whether Anderson authorised two subordinates, Staff Sergeant Cardenas Alban and Staff Sergeant Johnny Horne, to shoot a young Iraqi man already grievously wounded and unlikely to survive. Some US military officials have referred to the incident as a mercy killing.
Read the rest at the link.
Posted by: Tony (UK) 2004-11-17