
Mujahideen Firmly and Completely Control 60% of Fallujah
From Jihad Unspun
.... The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that there is a leadership of major Mujahid organizations in Fallujah that is still pursuing the fight as before. One of them is the group of Shaykh Abdallah al-Janabi, the Chairman of the Consultative Council of the Mujahideen of Fallujah. According to Quds Press, Shaykh al-Janabi spoke Tuesday to a gathering of Resistance fighters defending the city, saying "the Mujahideen control firmly and completely 60 percent of the territory of Fallujah. The rest of the city is a battle zone where fighting is going on in fits and starts between the American aggressor forces and the Resistance that is defending Fallujah."

Shaykh al-Janabi said that Fallujah Mujahideen had used a captured American tank in their assault on US military positions and the operation accomplished its goals completely. He said that the Iraqi flag had been raised in official ceremonies over 12 positions regarded as battle zones.

The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in Fallujah commented that .... every Resistance group helps out the others despite their differences as to their ultimate aims. A proof of that can be seen in the meeting held last Tuesday that took place under a unified leadership. The source of differences among the Fallujah Resistance organizations is the issue of the unarmed civilian population and what to do regarding them. Some organizations believe the best course is to continue to resist, particularly since other fronts of struggle against the US forces have now been opened elsewhere. But other groups believe that the civilians cannot bear the pressure of the siege any longer. Another source of difference of opinion among the Resistance groups is that some believe it is necessary to open another big front to confront the aggressors on their rear lines, while other Resistance organizations fear that this could result in the fall of the city.

Quds Press reported that extremely fierce fighting was underway on Tuesday on the edges of the al-Jawlan neighborhood of Fallujah. Powerful explosions shook the area and could be heard throughout the city, though their exact cause was difficult to determine.

A field Commander for the Mujahideen disclosed to a correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam in Fallujah what he called the "tragedy of the street fighting" in reference to the way that the invading American troops were using Iraqi women and children as human shields. The Commander said that the tragedy began last Tuesday and that before that, he had never seen such things, when the Americans used used women and children to shield their tanks. The Commander commented: "this state is living through a type of savagery that history has never known before. ... We could hear the cries of the children and the women's calls for help from atop a column of tanks that was driving along ath-Tharthar street last Tuesday. Some of our fighters closed their eyes in pain and wept at the sight." ....
Posted by: Mike Sylwester 2004-11-17