
IBD throws down the gauntlet on Comey and Mueller
[American Thinker] It needed to be said, and Investor's Business Daily has stepped up and said it well, now that we have reason to believe that a majority of the memos prepared by James Comey on his conversations with the president contained classified information. An IBD editorial extends the logic of the situation to the ultimate conclusion that the special counsel, Robert Mueller, must recuse himself from investigations of President Trump. The writing is excellent, so I urge you to read the whole thing, but here are some key excerpts:

No wonder former FBI Director James Comey refused to press charges last summer against Hillary Clinton for her egregious security breaches: It turns out, he may have been guilty of the same thing. ...

Not surprisingly, perhaps, Trump on Monday morning tweeted out an angry response: "James Comey leaked CLASSIFIED INFORMATION to the media. That is so illegal!"

He may be onto something there. ...

What Comey did is against FBI rules, and it's a violation of federal secrecy laws, on a par with the violation that Hillary Clinton committed when she decided to run the Secretary of State's office from a private, home-brew email server that was clearly illegal.

The agreement signed by all FBI employees says that "all information acquired by me in connection with my official duties with the FBI and all official material to which I have access remain the property of the United States of America." ...

Hillary signed a similar agreement at the State Department. Yet, she routinely put classified information onto public servers, where it could be grabbed by unscrupulous actors, such as the Chinese and the Russians. ...

Comey's later actions suggest, if anything, he learned from Hillary's chutzpah. You can flout U.S. law, and as long as you have friends and political clout, get away with it ‐ even use your illegality as a bludgeon against your political foes.Comey got Hillary off the hook last year from what appeared to be a slam-dunk prosecution. And please remember, no one thought at the time that Trump had any chance at all of beating Hillary.

Now, we find out Comey played a double game with the public and the newly elected president. A case of a deep-state operative, Comey, trying to sabotage Washington-outsider Trump? Or just someone with a fast-and-loose idea about following the law?

Posted by: Besoeker 2017-07-12