
Transgender woman challenges Virginia bathroom bill sponsor
[MCCLATCHYDC] He/She/It/They/Xie/Shplk's a transgender woman and an experienced journalist who sings in a metal band in her spare time.

He has sponsored some of the most socially conservative legislation in Virginia in the past 25 years, including a measure this year that would have restricted the bathrooms transgender people can use.

Democrat Danica Roem is challenging Republican Bob Marshall for his northern Virginia seat in the state House of Delegates. With such stark differences between the candidates, the race is expected to draw in big money and is seen by some as a referendum on rights for gay and transgender people.

Roem would be the first openly transgender candidate to win and serve in a state legislature, according to the Victory Fund, a political action committee that supports him/her/it/them/xneg/shplnk and calls Marshall "the most anti-LGBTQ member of the Virginia state legislature."

"Danica Roem is a leader in a national movement of trans candidates who are determined to become a voice for their community in the halls of power," said Aisha Moodie-Mills, president and CEO of the organization.
Posted by: Fred 2017-07-25