
CIA director arrives in West Bank
CIA Director George Tenet arrived Monday to press the Palestinians to revamp their security services with the aim of stopping attacks against Israel. The militant Islamic group Hamas, meanwhile, rejected an offer to join a new Palestinian Cabinet likely to be announced in coming days. The Israelis planned to tell Tenet they were deeply skeptical about proposed Palestinian reforms. Tenet was to meet with Palestinians on Tuesday. Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat has offered Cabinet posts to four militant groups that have been involved in attacks against Israel, including suicide bombings. Three rejected the offer previously, and Hamas joined them Monday. "We don't think the participation of Hamas in the new Cabinet would add to the Palestinian cause," said Mahmoud Zahar, one of the group's leaders. Of the more than 60 suicide attacks by Palestinians in the current Mideast conflict, Hamas' military wing has carried out more than any other group, including the deadliest attacks. The group has rejected Arafat's call to halt them.
I have a hard time seeing how anyone could see the "reforms" as more than a sham. Yasser's being forced by international opinion to do it, but he's doing the absolute minimum he can. And the "security services" are never going to be much more than thugs in uniform, so revamp or not revamp, it's all the same.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-06-03