
Musharraf wants root cause of terrorism eliminated
President Gen Pervez Musharraf called upon the world community on Sunday to eliminate the root causes of international terrorism without which, he said, the dream of eradicating terrorism would not be fulfilled. Speaking at a banquet hosted in his honour by the Tajikistan President, Emonali Rahmanov, at the State Guest House here this evening, President Pervez Musharraf said the root causes included outstanding political issues such as Kashmir, Palestine, immense poverty of less-developed countries, illiteracy and gap between rich and poor countries.
See what I mean about not being good with cause and effect? He's confusing the effects of a love of high explosives, a delight in rolling the eyes and uttering bloodthirsty threats, and an absolute demand for revenge for the slightest perceived slight, real or imagined, with causes. There was no country in the world more devastated than Korea in 1954, unless it was Japan in 1946. The half of Korea that wasn't rolling its eyes and waving guns is pretty well off right now, while the other half occasionally has to eat stones to stave off hunger.
The president said the people of Kashmir had been denied the right of self-determination promised to them by India and by the international community. Thousands of Kashmiris have been ruthlessly killed. This tragedy must end and people of Kashmir should get their basic right of self-determination in accordance with UN resolutions, he said. "Non-resolution of this long outstanding dispute has been a source of serious threat to peace and security. India's massive troop deployment along our border has increased the risk of war. Any miscalculation can cause havoc in South Asia." Emphasizing Pakistan's position, the president said the country believed that all problems could be resolved through dialogue.
Problems involving the use of high explosives cannot be solved by dialogue. They can only be solved by the counterapplication of larger quantities of high explosives, followed by hanging the original perpetrators. Just ask Himmler. The approach solved the problem of him and his pretty thoroughly.
"I hope that Tajikistan will use its influence on the Indian government to see reason and enter into a meaningful dialogue on all issues, including Kashmir, and help de-escalate tension in the region," the president added. He said the security situation on the borders of Pakistan and Tajikistan had been tense over the last two decades because of the conflict in Afghanistan.
"But that's all behind us now. It's months and months in the past. It's time to move on..."
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-06-03