
Why they fight...
Ameer Jamaat Ad Dawa Hafiz Abdus Salam Bin Muhammad says if 800,000 Indian army could not stop our brave Mujahideen then how can other people can block their routes?
If they're not coming from Pak then nothing would happen, would it? But if they are coming from Pakland, which the Paks deny, then it would make Jamaat al-Dawa squeal like a piggy.
We had neither been fighting for sake of any motive in the past nor would do now.
That's pretty incoherent. It implies they've just been fighting for the fun of it...
No step to drive nation towards nudity and secularism would be admissible for us and for whole nation.
He may be right. The world probably needs protected from naked Pakistanis...
Ulemas should raise their voices for the glory of jihad.
Yeah, buddy! Jihad is where it's at! Nothin' better than icing a few secular naked women and their ill-gotten offspring and then getting maimed. That's what manly men do, by Allah!
No step to close down religious madrassas and to curb law of Khatam-e-Nabbuwatt would be allowed to implement. All religious leaders should be freed.
Especially the Amir of Jamaat al-Dawa, who still remains jugged for some reason...
He was addressing a large gathering of religious leaders and Ulemas from all sectors and sects at Qadisaya mosque. He says that we are not after the sayings of General Pervez Musharraf and his allies. We would fight India with in spite of their motives, it is our duty.
To hell with Perv! Kill the Hindoos!
He said all infidels are afraid of Holy Quran and Jihad.
He's right. They scare the bejabbers out of me. Irrational bloodthirst does that.
Government should not delete the Quranic sections in the curriculum. If any religious madarassa are closed down, then we would teach our pupils under open skies. We would never neglect the propagation of Quran and Hadith. Allah Almighty Himself has resolved to save this Book.
Gotta get that love of jihad into those kids young, otherwise it doesn't take...
Pakistan came into being in the name of Islam and any effort to call Qadyanis as Muslims would not be admissible. He said to Indian premier that why they themselves not stop Mujahideen and why he is pressurizing General Pervez Musharraf to stop them.
Qadyanis are a Muslim sect that is outlawed for heresy in Pakland. Damn those Qadyanis! Nothin' bettern'n Sikhs, or Hindoos...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-06-03