
Even lefty Seymour Hersh agrees that the Russian fable begin in the mind of Obama's CIA director.
[Spectator] A tool of the Muslim Brotherhood (during a stint in Saudi Arabia he says that he grew to admire Islam and the concept of jihad), Brennan refused to take his oath as CIA director on the Bible. His hatred for Michael Flynn and Trump stems in large part from his Islamophilia and his nostalgia for the socialism and the atheism of the Old Soviet Union.
While running this operation of political espionage, he was auditioning for a job under Hillary and turning CIA headquarters into a branch office of her campaign.

In this hothouse atmosphere of pro-Hillary partisanship, any and all contacts between the Trump campaign and anyone even remotely connected to Russia became occasions for "unmaskings."

Instead of exposing this blatant political espionage, the media became a conduit for it. Hersh notes that the New York Times was in effect under the editorship of John Brennan last year. He could plant any smear he wanted against Trump on its front page.

It is obvious that Brennan’s circle was responsible for many if not most of the criminal leaks. Why doesn’t the FBI raid Brennan’s home and rifle through his records? The reason that won’t happen is that the ruling class and deep state, which are composed largely of aging radicals, protects traitors while punishing patriots -- a conclusion to which the improbable testimony of Seymour Hersh adds still more credence.
Posted by: Vast Right Wing Conspiracy 2017-08-11