
Chief Obamacare Architect Sacked After Fraudulent Billing Investigation
[DAILYCALLER] Vermont’s Attorney General has settled the state’s claims of fraud against Jonathan Gruber, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor who served as a technical consultant for President Barack Obama
It’s very rare that I come to an event where I’m like the fifth- or sixth-most interesting person....
and as one of the chief architects of Obamacare
... aka the Affordable Care Act, an ineptly designed and worse executed piece of legislation designed to bring 17 percent of the U.S. economy under the direct control of the government. The previous iteration, known as Hillarycare, was laughed out of Washington. This stinker was passed on a party-line vote without being read...
Under the terms of the settlement, Gruber will no longer work as a taxpayer-funded economic consultant for the state’s health care system and he won’t seek to be paid any money he might be owed, reports the Rutland Herald, a Vermont newspaper.

For its part under the agreement, the Vermont’s attorney general will not pursue legal action under the Vermont Civil False Claims Act.

Vermont Attorney General T.J. Donovan announced the settlement on Friday after state Sherlocks wrapped up an inquiry into Gruber’s billing practices.

Officials in Vermont had hired Gruber as an economic consultant to assess, examine and provide economic models for a now-abandoned plan to roll out a single-payer health care system across the tiny state.

The single-payer health care scheme, called Green Mountain Care, was the brainchild of former Gov. Pete Shumlin.
Posted by: Fred 2017-08-22