
Are you ready for … Kasich/Hickenlooper 2020?
[LibertyUnyielding] Why not? Hey, nothing says excitement like two governors who found themselves on the sidelines of their respective parties last year looking for ways to be relevant two years from now. Axios reports that a public tour by John Kasich and John Hickenlooper on health-care reform has a longer-term strategy:
Axios has learned that their duet is part of an alliance that’s gaining momentum toward a possible joint independent bid for president in 2020, likely with Kasich at the top of the ticket ...

Some establishment Dems are apoplectic about the idea of Hickenlooper teaming up with a Republican. One top strategist told me: "No Dem wants Kasich anywhere near our ticket. Sounds like a No Labels fantasy, but moderate Dems would hate it."

But a veteran operativeemails: "Our political system is completely broken. Something big and historic needs to happen to break the logjam. I’m a big Dem but I’m for anything that ... does away with this hyper-partisanship on both sides that is paralyzing our government."

Posted by: Anomalous Sources 2017-08-26