
Suddenly, Antifa does equal Nazis
[DONSURBER.BLOGSPOT] How high and mighty the pundits and politicians sounded after Charlottesville. How dare President Trump say many sides were responsible?

But now as the violence from the leftist Antifa
...the armed wing of the Democratic Party...
group escalates and shows what the anti-Trump resistance really is about, my oh my, are they bailing.

Hillary lackey and Democratic Governor Terry McAuliffe of Virginia now says:
“I disavow anyone — we won’t tolerate violence of any kind. You’re entitled to protest. First Amendment certainly protected. As I’ve said after Charlottesville, anyone who came to our state, anyone who committed violence, on any side, will be arrested. […] Everybody’s entitled to do their protest but were not going to accept violence from anybody.”

What happened to the cry of False Equivalence when President Trump said the same thing a couple of weeks ago?

I am guessing the polls show Democrats failed in another attempt to portray President Trump as Hitler.

The equivalence was not false.

It was dead on the money.

For more than a year, Democratic Party operatives have used the threat of violence and even violence to shut down conservative speakers.

Now out of the blue, Democrats have decided to start condemning this.
Posted by: Fred 2017-08-31