
President Donald Trump Serves Meals to Hurricane Victims at Houston Relief Center
[BREITBART] As the motorcade left the airport it passed a church where people were gathered with signs reading “we love Trump” and “Texans love stilettos.”

White House readies $5.9bn request for Harvey recovery aid
[Dawn] The Trump proposal, which is being finalised pending White House consultations with key Republicans, is likely to be just a fraction of an eventual Harvey recovery package that could rival the $100-billion-plus in taxpayer-financed help for victims of 2005’s Hurricane Katrina.

Jesse Jackson: Trump ‘Would Not Qualify to Get Into Jesus’ Kingdom’
[Free Beacon] "Trump says you must be able to speak the language of English, [be] qualified, and have a job skill," Jackson said Monday. "Jesus would not qualify to come in Trump's country—he would not qualify to get into Jesus' kingdom."
Given that Jesus spoke Hebrew, Aramaic, and probably marketplace Greek and some classical Latin. Adding modern English would have come easily for him. And he was a skilled carpenter as well as a scholar and lecturer, so he would have a number of saleable skills. As for where Mr. Trump will go when he dies, I believe the Teacher said, "Judge not, lest ye be judged."
Jackson made the comment Monday at the "Ministers March for Justice," which was spearheaded by Rev. Al Sharpton and featured ministers from various traditions united in opposing the Trump administration."

John McCain slams Trump in Italy, recommits to America's role in world
[Washington Examiner] McCain said on Friday that Trump is often "poorly informed" and "impulsive."
Posted by: Fred 2017-09-03