
Imran Awan Still Has A Copy Of Congressional Data Linked To Wasserman Schultz
[Daily Caller] Prosecutors have given Imran Awan a copy of the hard drive of a House laptop that Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz tried to keep law enforcement from looking at, court filings show, suggesting prosecutors intend to bring charges related to the underlying cybersecurity and theft probe.

The hard-drive copy was included in discovery even though the Florida Democrat has said the laptop contains House information on it and is a government-paid work computer, and even though Imran was fired and banned from the House network because of suspected cybersecurity violations.

Skipping down a bit to a couple of paragraphs possibly containing the reasons for the release of data:

Imran had access to all the emails and files of dozens of House Democrats. The bizarre refusal of members of Congress to criticize Imran no matter how many suspicious actions are tied to him raises questions about whether members may be afraid that he could release their emails if they assist in his prosecution, or that some could implicated in a kickbacks scheme involving disappearing equipment and ghost employees.

Immediately after prosecutors gave Imran a copy of the laptop, Imran’s wife, Hina Alvi, told prosecutors she would agree to return from Pakistan to face charges, seemingly indicating she has confidence that she won’t face serious punishment for theft or cyberviolations, despite authorities being in possession of massive quantities of invoices that were systematically altered to prevent the equipment from appearing in House inventories.
Posted by: Besoeker 2017-09-09