
Decision Makers Have Been Informed Of Evidence Against Russia Hack
[DisobedientMedia] Adam Carter has published a new article which states that important authorities including Robert Mueller and Jeff Sessions have been personally informed of the latest information debunking the Russian Hacking narrative. Pretended ignorance on the matter would be unacceptable.

Disobedient Media has previously reported on the extensive work conducted by the independent analyst known as Adam Carter. For months, Carter has been on the forefront of debunking the Russian hacking narrative by dismantling the Guccifer 2.0 persona and its contradictory claims. Carter’s work has been instrumental in creating the impetus and grounds for the analysis of the Forensicator, and in corroborating the efforts of Veteran Intelligence Professionals For Sanity (VIPS).

Carter published a new article earlier today, which indicated that authorities including Robert Mueller and Jeff Sessions have been informed of the latest findings and evidence which may dismantle the Russian hacking narrative by VIPS member Skip Folden.

Carter stated in his report: 'Since the original report was sent out, Skip Folden, one of the co-authors of the VIPS report, has sent a far more detailed report to the Office of Special Counsel (Robert Mueller), Office of the Attorney-General (Jeff Sessions) and, I believe more recently, to additional parties that will be disclosed in the week ahead (along with further details about the contents of that report). The new report covers more than any of the previous reports (going beyond what Forensicator and myself even have the means to assess).'
Posted by: Anomalous Sources 2017-09-12