
UK forces hold 80 in Iraq
BRITISH troops taking part in a US and Iraqi offensive seized 80 people during an overnight sweep of villages on the east bank of the Euphrates river near Baghdad, the Press Association reported today. Britain's domestic news agency said 80 people had been detained at 8am (3pm AEDT) Thursday, but that 60 of them were released later. The ministry of defence confirmed that British troops had undertaken an operation, but did not say how many people had been held. "The objective is to counter the insurgents and get some stability and security accross Iraq as we run up to the elections" in January, a ministry spokesman said. "There aren't any plans to take any other active part in this American operation." Twenty suspects were still held for questioning to determine if they are linked to a wave of attacks against US and British forces occupying Iraq. Suspected bomb making material was found during the sweep.
Posted by: God Save The World 2004-11-25