
Yemen Releases 113 al-Qaida Members
Yemeni authorities have released 113 militants belonging to the al-Qaida network — including at least five once accused of involvement in the deadly bombing of the USS Cole — after they recanted their extremist views, security officials said Thursday.
"Oh, yeah. We recant. Really."
"Okay. Go, and sin no more!"
"Can I have my guns back now?"
The militants once accused in the USS Cole bombing were later cleared. The 15 Yemeni militants convicted in August of involvement in the 2000 bombing, which killed 17 U.S. sailors, were not released. The 113 men were released during the past two weeks after signing pledges not to carry out terror acts or criminal activities.
"Mahmoud, give 'em their guns back. But remember, these are only for elk hunting!"
"Thanks. Can I have my antitank gun, too?"
Last month, Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh said more than 1,800 convicts, including al-Qaida members, would be released from prisons for the Muslim holy month of Ramadan and the Eid al-Fitr holiday following it. Ramadan ended in mid-November. Saleh had said those to be released included some who served at least two-thirds of their sentences or completed their terms but were unable to pay the imposed fines.
Posted by: Fred 2004-11-25